The Beast
  News -update-

Serialstart in Germany 28.01.2010 at AXN

Episode 08. of the Fanfiction is now online, you can read it in german and english. If you like to talk about it, you can do in the THE BEAST BOARD

Some user ask, if the board can stay. OK, I try to find a way, at this side, you have now a place to talk with each other. I'm not sure, how much we can do in this board, but you will see it. It need a moment, that this can really work, and all of you can do a lot for this. So feel free, to post under THE BEAST board ... we will see if this works.

Newsletter November 2009

Hello to everyone.

Today it is for us, the hardest Newsletter I ever wrote, be we thought it is the only thing we can do.

We loved both to worked at this side, and the board. We love “The Beast”. One years ago, we all was courious to see, what this serial will bring to us. We saw 13 wonderful episodes, and a lot of us, was hoping that we get a 2nd season.

Two month ago, Patrick passed away. A shock for all of us, you all know that.

I know a lot of you personal, and these one know, that this decision was not easy for me. I hope all of you, can understand that, it is not easy for Julia and me, but we think we do the right.
We’re closed the board!
The reason:
We all know, there is no chance for a 2nd season. And honestly this serial without Patrick, is unimagined for us.
We’re tried to safe the board, but if nobody post, we at admins can’t do anything. Yes someone try to post something, but this was not enough.
It is this time a record, if we have more as three visitors in the board. So we thought, there is no more interesting for the board.

What’s coming next?
No post will lost, I promise you. In the last week, I started to copy all the threads into Donnys board. It is there in a special part, so you can find it easily.
If you like, you can post there so often you want, and read there. Sorry, the part of Patrick is locked. This is because, we have a part for Patrick in this board, and we think, we don’t need another part for him.
All of you, who is not registration in Donnys board, can do this. Your welcome to stay a part of these wonderful community. Your find it here:
In the next days, I will upload some of the avatars of the board in Donnys board and post the signature there too.
I think you can read the board, from too for three month, before it is offline.
We said Thank You for a wonderful time.
Julia and Heike

Patrick's wife Lisa has contacted the OFC with news of a Research Fund in Patrick's name. Here is Lisa's message:


" Stanford University is coalescing existing research activities on pancreas cancer to form a Pancreas Cancer Center. This center will expedite application of emerging technologies and the development of molecular targeted therapies all focused on pancreas cancer. Of course, our wonderful Dr. George Fisher is involved with all this and setting up this fund in Patrick's name.

Checks should be made out to:
"Patrick Swayze Pancreas Cancer Research Fund"
& sent to:
Stanford Cancer Center
875 Blake Wilbur Dr.
Palo Alto CA 94304."


Sincere thanks to Lisa for sending us this news and we back the Research Fund with all our support. Please promote the Research Fund if you can.

In the board you find "The New Beast" a 2. Season creat of fans for fans.

update of the side April 02, 2009

JANUARY 15 10/9C
  © 2008 - 2010 by rosarot67 and julia  
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